Crab Sex

How to tell the boy crabs from the girl crabs…

STEAMING and EATING CRABS: Live and Steamed Crabs are usually “priced” according to their sex and their size. The large males bring the highest prices because they (usually) contain a larger quantity of crab meat. Females are usually priced lower than males and are not (usually) as readily available as are the males.

Female Crabs: A mature (adult) female blue crab, known as a “Sook,” is identified with an inverted “U” or bell-shaped apron and red-tipped claws. The red tips, of course, blend in with the overall color of the crab once it has been cooked, or steamed.

More simply, the bottom of a female crab has a shape like the U.S. Capitol building.

Male Crabs: A male blue crab, known as a “Jimmy,” has a long, narrow, inverted “T” shaped apron and blue-tipped claws. Of course the color of the claw tips on steamed crabs are not the same as on live crabs.

More simply, the bottom of a male crab has a shape like the Washington Monument.

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